Freedom For Birth - film screening
20th September 2012
7.30 - 9.30pm
The Round Tower, Black Swan Arts, 2 Bridge Street,
Frome, Somerset, BA11 1BB
There will be showing of Freedom For Birth by independent filmmakers One World Birth, in Frome, Somerset, UK as part of worldwide event!
After the film there will be time to discuss the current state of maternity care with local birth workers Fiona Willis and Solveig Carlson, and share ideas about what we can all do to reclaim birth for all women.
"Freedom for Birth" is more than just a film. It marks the beginning of a movement that will focus global attention on the violations of women's rights during childbirth all around the world.
All women should have the right, protected by law, to decide where and how they give birth. The problem is that the rise of a dominant obstetric "machine" is robbing women of this right. The result is that many women are being subjected to medical interventions and c-sections they neither want or need. Tragically, midwives, the very guardians of normal birth, are being persecuted and criminally prosecuted to the extent that some have even been imprisoned.
"Freedom for Birth" will highlight the human rights abuses happening right now in North America, Europe, Australia and beyond. And, the film will offer up a solution that can help protect womens' rights...And that solution involves you!"
Thursday 20th September
7.30 - 9.30pm £5 Black Swan Arts, 2 Bridge Street, Frome, Somerset BA11 1BB |