If you are looking for holistic support for your fertility, pregnancy, birth or postnatal period then I can help you. I have been supporting pregnant women since 2001 and I have a wide skill set to nourish and support you at this special time.
I have trained with many leading birth professionals such as Michel Odent, Janet Balaskas, Mary Cronk, Jane Hardwicke Collings, Suzanne Yates, Gail Tully, Penny Simkin, Gail Hart, Betty Anne-Daviss, Sheila Kitzinger, Uma Dinsmore Tuli and Pam England, among others. Some of the topics covered in my varied trainings include Active Birth, shiatsu in the childbearing year, waterbirth, pregancy after loss, supporting pregnant survivors of abuse and sexual violence, breech birth, Spinning Babies, rebozo, closing the bones postnatal massage, Birthing From Within, womb yoga and the spiritual dimensions of pregnancy and birth. My services include
I also offer a listening or debriefing service for women who are survivors of abuse and sexual violence or who have had traumatic birth experience, as well as birth planning sessions to help people identify their potential triggers or stumbling blocks so they can find a workable birth plan. This is a reflective listening service rather than counselling or psychotherapy; if people need more support than I can provide, then there are other local therapists that I can refer to. This service is for donations only. Please feel free to contact me if you feel this may be of benefit to you.
© 2016 Fiona Willis, all rights reserved